Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Organic Argan oil with Lavender

Organic Argan oil with Lavender

Organic Argan oil with Lavender

Regulation (EU) n° 453/2010 amending Regulation (EC) n° 1907/2006 
Date of creation of this sheet: 01/10/2007       
Date of revision: 04/09/2015

1.Company details :


Company : Oriental Group

Address : N°200 Lot Elmassar, Z.I Sidi Ghanem

          Route de Safi 40 000 Marrakech


Telephone Number :  +212 524 335 449
Tél urgence : +212 600 604 387



2.1 Product Name : Organic Argan oil with Lavender.




Component Entity

CAS Number


Proportions [%w/w]

Argania Spinosa Kernel








2.3 Use : As a massage lotion, a moisturizer or an anti-aging Oil.



3.1 Physical - Chemical Hazards :


Explosion     :  None identified.

Flammable      :  This product is non-combustible.

Oxidizing      :  Not applicable.

Toxic        :  None identified.

Radioactive    :  Not applicable.

Corrosive     :  None identified.

Miscellaneous  :  None identified.

3.2 Environmental Hazards    :  None identified.


3.3 Health Hazards


Acute Effects Swallowed      :  May cause abdominal pain, maybe harmful.

Excessive ingestion of liquid can cause gastric distress and mild diarrhoea.


Eye                  :  May cause mild irritation.

Skin                 :  Non irritating or sensitising.

Inhalation           :  May be harmful.

Chronic Effects       :  None identified.

Mutagenic Effects     :  None identified.

Reproductive Effects  :  None identified.

Carcinogenic Effects  :  None identified.

Sensitisation        :  None identified.

Infectious           :  Not applicable.




HEALTH               :  0

FLAMMABILITY         :  0

REACTIVITY           :  0



0 = Insignificant

1 = Slight

2 = Moderate

3 = High

4 = Extreme


3.4 Label Elements :


All labeling complies with the EU regulations. No chemicals or

nanoparticals are used in this product.


This product has not been tested on animals and no animal bi-products

have been used during the manufacturing process.

4. First aid measures


4.1 Eye Contact  :       Flush immediately with clean water for at least 15 minutes.

       Ensure irrigation under eyelids. Do not try to remove contact lenses unless trained.

       Contact a physician as necessary.


4.2 Skin Contact :    Remove any contaminated clothing and footwear.

Clean before re-use. Wash affected areas thoroughly with soap and water for at least 15 minutes.

Contact a physician as necessary.


4.3 Inhalation :      Remove from the exposure to fresh air. If breathing has stopped,

       administer artificial respiration and oxygen if available.

       Contact a physician as necessary.


4.4 Ingestion :       Do Not induce vomiting.

Wash out mouth with water and give water slowly to dilute [as much as casualty can     comfortably drink] provided person is conscious.

Never give liquid to a person showing signs of being sleepy or with

reduced awareness; i.e. becoming unconsciousness.

Contact a physician or local poison control centre immediately.

If vomiting occurs, lean patient forward or place on left side [headdown position, if possible] to maintain open airway and prevent aspiration .


4.5 Advice to Doctor : Treat symptomatically. Note the nature of this product.


5. Fire - Fighting measures


5.1 Extinguishing Media :    Use CO2 Dry Powder or Foam type Extinguishers, spraying


Recommended :        extinguishing media to base of flames. Do not use direct water jet on burning material.


5.2 Special Measures :       Keep away from sources of ignition. Do not smoke.

Wear protective clothing.


5.3 Extinguishing procedures :      Closed containers may built up pressure when exposed to heat and should be cooled with water spray.


6. Accidental release measures


6.1 Personal Precautions :   Use of self-contained breathing apparatus is recommended for any major chemical spill. Refer also to section 8.

6.2 Safety Precautions :     Ventilate area. Determine the need to evacuate or isolate the area according to your local emergency plan.


6.3 Environmental Precautions :     Keep away from drains, surface and ground water.

Report spills to appropriate Authorities if required.


6.4 Methods For Cleaning Up : Contain spill and recover free product.

Absorb remainder on vermiculite or other suitable absorbent material.

Wipe small spills with cloth. Clean with hot water and detergent. Refer also to Section 13 for disposal procedures.


7. Handling and storage


7.1 Handling :        Avoid inhalation and contact with skin and eyes. Good personal .


hygiene practices should be used. Wash after any contact, before breaks and meals, and at the end of the work period. Contaminated clothing and shoes should be cleaned before re-use.


7.2 Storage :        Not a hazardous material. Not a Scheduled Poison.


Containers should be kept closed in order to minimise contamination.Store in a cool, dry, well ventilated place protected from light.

Keep from extreme heat. Do not allow product to solidify in filled, closed containers as product expands upon freezing.


7.3 Unsuitable Packaging Materials : None established.

7.4 Special Procedures :             None established.

8. Exposure controls and personal protection

No special protecting equipment required. 
8.1. Occupational exposure limit : not applicable 
8.2. Exposure controls           : not applicable

9. Physical data and chemical properties

9.1 General information: 

- Form   : Liquid at room temperature .

- Odour  : Fragrance .

- Colour : Very light yellow .


10. Stability and Reactivity

The product is stable non-reactive. Avoid strong oxidising agents.

11. Toxicological information

No acute or chronic toxic effects when used as directed .

12. Ecological information

No ecological hazards are associated with this product. Itis biodegradable.

13. Disposal considerations

Dispose of according to local, state and federal regulations.

14. Transport information


Non Hazardous / Non-flammable - No shipping restrictions according to ADR (road, directive 94/55/CE), RID (rail, directive 96/49/CE), IMDG (sea),ICAO/IATA (air).


15. Regulatory information


The ingredients are legally permitted as per EU Directive 88/379/EEC, 76/768/EEC and its amendments.


16. Packaging




Glass :       Yes

Lacquer lined/Steel/Tin : Yes

Aluminium :   Yes

HPPE :        Yes

F/HDPE :      Yes

Other Plastic :    Be aware of using Acrylics due to oil leakage

17. Disclaimer


The customer should satisfy themselves that the product is suitable for the intended purpose, and that a suitable and sufficient assessment of any risks created by any activity using this product is undertaken before use.

The information above is based upon our current state of knowledge about the product at the time of publication. The data is given in good faith and is designed only as guidance to users of possible risks. This safety sheet cannot cover all possible situations which the user may experience during processing. We do not assume any responsibility and expressly disclaim any liability for any use of this product .







Green Apple

Green Apple

Green Apple

Creation date: 01/02/2018       


1.1   Trade Name: Green Apple
1.2   Use : industrial, reserved for professional use.


1.3 Company identification: ORIENTAL GROUP SARL AU.
N°200 Lot ALMASSAR, Route de safi, 40 100 Marrakesh, MOROCCO
Tel.: +212 524 335 449
E-mail: contact@group-oriental.com 
Site web    : www.group-oriental.com
1.3   Emergency tel : +212 600 604 387


1- Classification of the substance or mixture
Classification GHS :
CLP legislation
EHC2 Hazards to the aquatic environment – ​​chronic 2
SS1 Skin sensitization 1
H317 May cause an allergic skin reaction.
H412 Harmful to aquatic life with long lasting effects.
EUH208 Contains (name of the sensitizing substance). May produce an allergic reaction. Classification according to EU Directives 67/548/EEC and 1999/45/EC
Health risks: Xn
R43: May cause sensitization by skin contact.
R48 Risk of serious damage to health by prolonged exposure
Environmental risks: N
R51/53 toxic to aquatic organisms, may cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment
2- Labeling elements
Classification GHS :
CLP legislation
Warning notice: CAUTION
EHC2 Hazards to the aquatic environment – ​​chronic 2
SS1 Skin sensitization - category 1
H317 May cause an allergic skin reaction.
H412 Harmful to aquatic life with long lasting effects.
P261 Avoid breathing dust/fume/gas/mist/vapours/spray.
P272 Contaminated work clothing should not be allowed out of the workplace.
P273 Avoid release to the environment
P280 Wear protective gloves/protective clothing/eye protection/face protection P302+P352 IF ON SKIN: Wash with plenty of soap and water
P333+P313 If skin irritation or rash occurs: Get medical advice/attention.
EUH208 Contains (name of the sensitizing substance). May produce an allergic reaction.
Classification according to EU Directives 67/548/EEC and 1999/45/EC
Health risks: Xn
R43: May cause sensitization by skin contact.
R48 Risk of serious damage to health by prolonged exposure
Environmental risks:
R51/53 toxic to aquatic organisms, may cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment
S60: Dispose of the product and its container as hazardous waste.
S24 Avoid contact with ski
3-Other dangers
Contient : 2-tert-Butylcyclohexyl acetate ; allyl heptanoate ; hexyl salicylate ; hexyl cinnamal


•         Composition: Mixture of synthetic and/or natural aromatic raw materials


•         Description of first aid: not applicable
•         Main symptoms and effects, acute and delayed: not applicable
•         Indication of any immediate medical attention and special treatment required:
- Contact with eyes: rinse thoroughly with water (15 minutes with the eyelids open) then wash with an eye lotion such as dacryoserum. If trouble occurs, consult an ophthalmologist.
- Contact with skin: wash immediately and abundantly with soap and water. Then rinse with clean water
- In case of ingestion: if the symptoms persist, consult a doctor.
- Soiled clothing: remove soiled clothing and only reuse it after decontamination.


•         Extinguishing media: CO2, extinguishing powder or water spray. Fight large fires with water spray or alcohol-resistant foam.
• Special hazards arising from the substance or mixture:
- Flammability class: the product is not flammable
-         Prevention: no smoking, no open flames
•         Advice to firefighters: never use a direct jet of water


•         Personal precautions : Provide adequate protection for cleaning crews. Respiratory protective equipment may be required.
•         Environmental precautions : prevent any contamination of soil and water, any flow into sewers, gutters, rivers, notify the authorities if the product enters the sewers or public waters
•         Cleaning methods : damming with sand or diatomaceous earth, pumping and rinsing with water after recovery of waste in plastic and labeled drums to then be handed over to an approved collector.


•         Precautions to take for safe handling : Close the packaging after use.
Reproduce the labeling if transferring to another container
•         Conditions necessary to ensure storage safety :
Avoid unnecessary explosion. Keep away from food and drink.
Store only in original container in a cool, well-ventilated place.
Keep closed containers out of use
Away from heat sources, direct sunlight
•         Specific end use : Wash hands and other exposed areas with mild soap and water before eating, drinking, using tobacco and when leaving work.
•         Technical measures : avoid contact with eyes, skin or clothing. Do not ingest. Avoid contact with food and drink.
•         Respiratory protection : in case of insufficient ventilation, wear suitable respiratory equipment.
•         Skin protection : handle the product with gloves appropriate to the risk.
•         Eye protection : protection not required if sufficient ventilation is maintained.
•         Ingestion : Do not eat, drink or smoke during use.
•         Appearance: Liquid
•         Color: Colorless to pale yellow
•         Smell: Apple
•         Relative density (d20/20):   [0.9632, 1.0632]
•         Rotational power in °
• Refractive index [1.4501, 1.4701]
• Flash point 90°C
•         Chromatographic analysis Ok
•         Solubility in water        No
•         Solubility in ethanol    Yes


•         Chemical stability : not concerned
•         Reactivity : not concerned
•         Possibility of dangerous reactions : not applicable
•         Conditions to avoid : not applicable
•         Incompatible materials : not applicable
•         Dangerous decomposition products :
-         Thermal decomposition/conditions to avoid : no decomposition if used as directed.
-         Hazardous decomposition products : no decomposition products in normal use


•         Toxicological information : No data available
•         Acute toxicity information :
-         Oral : not determined
-         Inhalation : not determined
-         Cutaneous : not determined


•         Toxicity : Do not let the product, undiluted or in large quantities penetrate the water table, water or pipes.
•         Persistence and degradability : not concerned
•         Bioaccumulation potential : not concerned
•         Mobility in soil : not concerned
• Results of PBT and vPvB assessments: not applicable
•         Other adverse effects : not concerned


•         Waste treatment methods
- Product: recommendation: must not be disposed of with household waste.
         Do not allow to enter drains.
- Uncleaned packaging: recommendation: disposal in accordance with legal requirements


• UN number
ADR: not applicable
IMDG: not applicable
IATA: not concerned
• UN proper shipping name
ADR: not applicable
IMDG: not applicable
IATA: not concerned
• ADR transport hazard class: not applicable
IMDG: not concerned
IATA: not concerned
• Packing group
ADR: not applicable
IMDG: not applicable
IATA: not concerned
• Environmental hazards
IMDG: not applicable
• Special precautions to be taken by the user: not applicable
• Transport in bulk in accordance with Annex II of MARPOL 73/78 and the IBC Code
It does not concern


It does not concern


Safety data sheet according to 2001/58/EEC
The data described correspond to the current information in force and do not represent a guarantee of the properties.
The recipient of our product must follow the legal requirements of the country that refers to this product.






Regulation (EU) n° 453/2010 amending Regulation (EC) n° 1907/2006 
Date of creation of this sheet: 01/10/2007       
Date of revision: 05/06/2015

1. Identification of the substance / preparation and the company

1.1  Identification: Organic virgin argan oil Product resulting from the biological agriculture certified organic. Registration number: This product is according to Annex V, paragraph 9 of Regulation (EC) n° 1907/2006, exempted from registration.
1.2  Use: raw material for cosmetic and food products. 


1.3 Supplier name: ORIENTAL GROUP SARL AU.
N°200 Lot ALMASSAR, Route de safi, 40 100 Marrakesh, MAROC
Tél.        : +212 524 335 449
E-mail      : contact@group-oriental.com
Site web    : www.group-oriental.com
1.4 Tél urgence : +212 600 604 387

2. Hazard identification

2.1 Classification
Classification according to Regulation (EC) n° 1272/2008 (CLP)  : Not classified 
Classification according to Directive 67/548/EEC or 1999/45/EC  : Not classified 
Adverse physicochemical, human health and environmental effects : No applicable
2.2 Label elements
Labeling according to Regulation (EC) n° 1272/2008 (CLP): No labeling applicable
2.3 Other hazards
Inhalation   : not dangerous 
Skin contact : not dangerous 
Ingestion    : not dangerous 
Eye contact  : not dangerous 
In case of leakage non-skidding shoes are required to prevent falls and sliding.

3. Composition and information on ingredients

Chemical composition   : glycerol triester and fatty acids 
CAS number             : 223747-87-3 
Name and EINECS number : Argania spinosa kernel oil

4. First aid measures

4.1 Description of first aid measures 
A medical examination is not necessary. 
Inhalation  : Inhalation is not a pertinent exposure route for the product due to this physical aspect and/or its composition. 
Skin contact: Liberally bathe affected body parts with water and soap. 
Eye contact : Rinse out carefully with plenty of water with the eyelid held wide open. 
Ingestion   : If the person is conscious, rinse mouth with water. 
Do not induce vomiting without medical advice.
4.2 Most important symptoms and effects, both acute and delayed 
No data / information available
4.3 Indication of any immediate medical attention and special treatment needed
No data / information available

5. Fire - Fighting measures

5.1 Extinguishing media           : carbon dioxide, foam, dry chemical powder. 
5.2 Unsuitable extinguishing media: water 
5.3 Special protective equipment  : use a protecting clothing and self - contained breathing equipment. 

6. Accidental release measures

6.1 Personal precautions     : no special precautions required. 
6.2 Environmental precautions: Avoid discharge into drinking water supplies, waste water or soil.
6.3 Methods for cleaning up  : small spills and residues may be absorbed with material such as cloth or sawdust, washed away with water and cleaned with sodic products. Larger spillage may be pumped.

7. Handling and storage

7.1. Handling       : no special precautions necessary. Use food contact hose pipes. 
7.2. Storage        : Keep in a cool place. Store in the original full closed drum or container to prevent over oxidation. 
7.3. Special use (s): None

8. Exposure controls and personal protection

No special protecting equipment required. 
8.1. Occupational exposure limit : not applicable 
8.2. Exposure controls           : not applicable

9. Physical data and chemical properties

9.1 General information: 
- Form   : see technical data sheet 
- Odour  : see technical data sheet 
- Colour : see technical data sheet 
9.2. Important information on health, security and environment 
- pH                           : not applicable 
- Initial boiling point [°C]   : undetermined 
- Flash point                  : undetermined 
-Explosion limits              : undetermined 
-Vapour pressure [20°C]        : undetermined 
-Vapour pressure [20°C]        : undetermined 
- Density                      : see technical data sheet 
- Solubility                   : slightly soluble in ethanol (96%), miscible with light petroleum 
- Viscosity at 20°C            : undetermined 
-Log P octanol / water at 20°C : undetermined 
9.3. Other information 
- Autoignition temperature : >300°C

10. Stability and Reactivity

10.1. Reactivity Stability               : stable under normal conditions. 
10.2. Chemical stability                 : The product is stable. 
10.3. Possibility of hazardous reactions : No data / information available
10.4. Conditions to avoid Heating at more than 180 °C (food use), at more than 60°C (cosmetic use), light and the oxygen of the ambient air            : degradation and oxidation of the substance. 
10.5. Incompatible materials             : No data / information available 
10.6. Hazardous decomposition products   : No data / information available

11. Toxicological information

Non toxic product : cosmetic and food use 
Acute toxicity    : No acute toxicity is to be feared regarding the product. 
Chronic toxicity  : No potential chronic health effect needs to be considered. 
Information on the likely routes of exposure: 
- Inhalation    : No known acute effect in normal conditions of use 
- Dermal contact: No known effect. 
- Eyes contact  : No known effect. 
- Ingestion     : No known acute effect in normal conditions of use 
- CMR effects (Carcinogenity, Mutagenicity and toxicity for Reproduction): non carcinogenic, non mutagenic, no toxic for reproduction

12. Ecological information

12.1. Toxicity                         : No study has been carried out for the moment. No ecological problems are to be expected when the product is handled and used with due care and attention. 
12.2. Degradability                    : completely biodegradable but rich in DBO 
12.3. Bioaccumulation potential        : No data / information available 
12.4. Mobility                         : No data / information available 
12.5 Results of PBT and vPvB assessment: No data / information available 
12.6 Various harmful effects           : No data / information available

13. Disposal considerations

13.1. Waste treatment methods 
Absorb the oil with material such as cloth, paper or sawdust and throw it in an appropriate waste bin. Disposal in nature: forbidden. 
13.2. Elimination of the product residues: throw in an appropriate waste bin. 
13.3. Dirty packaging                    : observe local regulations.

14. Transport information

Not dangerous product 
Classification: not classified in ADR (road, directive 94/55/CE), RID (rail, directive 96/49/CE), IMDG (sea), ICAO/IATA (air). 
Transportation in drums or food tanks.

15. Regulatory information

Regulation (EC) No. 1272/2008 (CLP): product no classified as hazardous, no labeling applicable 
Water endangering class            : not water endangering.

16. Other information

This material safety data sheet completes the specification sheet but does not constitute a guarantee of the properties of the product and is not a contractual legal report. The information is given in good faith on the basis of our best knowledge of the product. However, we cannot accept responsibility or liability for any consequences arising from its use. We caution the users against the incurred possible risks when the product is used at other ends than the use for which it was initially planned. It is the user’s responsibility during handling, storage and product use to consult the main regulatory texts in force regarding workers and environment protection.
https://www.bioprogreen.com/ https://oriental-group-bulk-argan-oil.blogspot.com/ https://argan-oil-factory-morocco.blogspot.com/ https://arganismemoroccanoil.blogspot.com/ https://bioprogreen-morocco.blogspot.com/