Thursday, August 29, 2024

Moroccan Black Soap

Moroccan Black Soap



    Regulation (EU) n° 453/2010 amending Regulation (EC) n° 1907/2006

Date of creation of this sheet: 01/10/2007      

Date of revision: 05/06/2015




1. Identification of the substance / preparation and the company


1.1  Identification: Moroccan Black Soap

1.2  Use: Moroccan black soap is a dark creamy texture wish is used to remove toxins from the body and prepare the skin for exfoliation. It is a natural cosmetic product with extraordinary properties, traditionally used in Moroccan Hammams and spas for skin care, and now you can use it at home.


1.3 Supplier name: ORIENTAL GROUP SARL AU.

N°200 Lot ALMASSAR, Route de safi, 40 100 Marrakesh, MAROC

Tél.        : +212 524 335 449

E-mail      :

Site web    :

1.4 Tél urgence : +212 600 604 387


2. Hazard identification


2.1 Classification

Classification according to Regulation (EC) n° 1272/2008 (CLP)  : Not classified

Classification according to Directive 67/548/EEC or 1999/45/EC  : Not classified

Adverse physicochemical, human health and environmental effects : No applicable


2.2 Label elements


Labeling according to Regulation (EC) n° 1272/2008 (CLP): No labeling applicable


2.3 Other hazards

Inhalation   : not dangerous

Skin contact : not dangerous

Ingestion    : not dangerous

Eye contact  : not dangerous

In case of leakage non-skidding shoes are required to prevent falls and sliding.



3. Composition and information on ingredients


Chemical composition   : see technical data sheet

CAS number             : not applicable

Name and EINECS number : see technical data sheet


4. First aid measures


4.1 Description of first aid measures

A medical examination is not necessary.

Inhalation  : Inhalation is not a pertinent exposure route for the product due to this physical aspect and/or its composition.

Skin contact: Liberally bathe affected body parts with water and soap.

Eye contact : Rinse out carefully with plenty of water with the eyelid held wide open.

Ingestion   : If the person is conscious, rinse mouth with water.

Do not induce vomiting without medical advice.



4.2 Most important symptoms and effects, both acute and delayed

No data / information available


4.3 Indication of any immediate medical attention and special treatment needed

No data / information available


5. Fire - Fighting measures


5.1 Extinguishing media           : carbon dioxide, foam, dry chemical powder.

5.2 Unsuitable extinguishing media: water

5.3 Special protective equipment  : use a protecting clothing and self - contained breathing equipment.


6. Accidental release measures


6.1 Personal precautions     : no special precautions required.

6.2 Environmental precautions: Avoid discharge into drinking water supplies, waste water or soil.

6.3 Methods for cleaning up  : small spills and residues may be absorbed with material such as cloth or sawdust, washed away with water and cleaned with sodic products. Larger spillage may be pumped.


7. Handling and storage


7.1. Handling       : no special precautions necessary. Use food contact hose pipes.

7.2. Storage        : Keep in a cool place. Store in the original full closed drum or container to prevent over oxidation.

7.3. Special use (s): None


8. Exposure controls and personal protection


No special protecting equipment required.

8.1. Occupational exposure limit : not applicable

8.2. Exposure controls           : not applicable


9. Physical data and chemical properties


9.1 General information:

- Form   : see technical data sheet

- Odour  : see technical data sheet

- Colour : see technical data sheet


9.2. Important information on health, security and environment

- pH                           : not applicable

- Initial boiling point [°C]   : undetermined

- Flash point                  : undetermined

-Explosion limits              : undetermined

-Vapour pressure [20°C]        : undetermined

-Vapour pressure [20°C]        : undetermined

- Density                      : see technical data sheet

- Solubility                   : slightly soluble in ethanol (96%), miscible with light petroleum

- Viscosity at 20°C            : undetermined

-Log P octanol / water at 20°C : undetermined


9.3. Other information

- Autoignition temperature : >300°C




10. Stability and Reactivity


10.1. Reactivity Stability               : stable under normal conditions.

10.2. Chemical stability                 : The product is stable.

10.3. Possibility of hazardous reactions : No data / information available

10.4. Conditions to avoid Heating at more than 180 °C (food use), at more than 60°C (cosmetic use), light and the oxygen of the ambient air            : degradation and oxidation of the substance.

10.5. Incompatible materials             : No data / information available

10.6. Hazardous decomposition products   : No data / information available


11. Toxicological information


Non toxic product : cosmetic and food use

Acute toxicity    : No acute toxicity is to be feared regarding the product.

Chronic toxicity  : No potential chronic health effect needs to be considered.


Information on the likely routes of exposure:

- Inhalation    : No known acute effect in normal conditions of use

- Dermal contact: No known effect.

- Eyes contact  : No known effect.

- Ingestion     : No known acute effect in normal conditions of use

- CMR effects (Carcinogenity, Mutagenicity and toxicity for Reproduction): non carcinogenic, non mutagenic, no toxic for reproduction

12. Ecological information


12.1. Toxicity                         : No study has been carried out for the moment. No ecological problems are to be expected when the product is handled and used with due care and attention.

12.2. Degradability                    : completely biodegradable but rich in DBO

12.3. Bioaccumulation potential        : No data / information available

12.4. Mobility                         : No data / information available

12.5 Results of PBT and vPvB assessment: No data / information available

12.6 Various harmful effects           : No data / information available


13. Disposal considerations


13.1. Waste treatment methods

Absorb the oil with material such as cloth, paper or sawdust and throw it in an appropriate waste bin. Disposal in nature: forbidden.

13.2. Elimination of the product residues: throw in an appropriate waste bin.

13.3. Dirty packaging                    : observe local regulations.


14. Transport information


Not dangerous product

Classification: not classified in ADR (road, directive 94/55/CE), RID (rail, directive 96/49/CE), IMDG (sea), ICAO/IATA (air).

Transportation in drums or food tanks.


15. Regulatory information


Regulation (EC) No. 1272/2008 (CLP): product no classified as hazardous, no labeling applicable

Water endangering class            : not water endangering.


16. Other information


This material safety data sheet completes the specification sheet but does not constitute a guarantee of the properties of the product and is not a contractual legal report. The information is given in good faith on the basis of our best knowledge of the product. However, we cannot accept responsibility or liability for any consequences arising from its use. We caution the users against the incurred possible risks when the product is used at other ends than the use for which it was initially planned. It is the user’s responsibility during handling, storage and product use to consult the main regulatory texts in force regarding workers and environment protection.

Nila Powder

Nila Powder


Regulation (EU) n° 453/2010 amending Regulation (EC) n° 1907/2006 
Date of creation of this sheet: 01/10/2020       
Date of revision: 15/12/2023

1.Company details :


Company : Oriental Group

Address : N°200 Lot Elmassar, Z.I Sidi Ghanem

          Route de Safi 40 000 Marrakech


Telephone Number :  +212 524 335 449
Tél urgence : +212 600 604 387


2. Hazards Identification


2.1 Classification: Not classified as hazardous according to current regulations. 


2.2 Main Hazards: 

-    May cause irritation if it comes into contact with eyes.

-    May cause slight skin irritation in sensitive individuals.


3. Composition / Information on Ingredients


3.1 Ingredients  : 100% natural Nila powder.

3.2 INCI Name    : Indigofera tinctoria


4. First Aid Measures


4.1 Inhalation   : If inhaled, move the person to fresh air. If symptoms persist, consult a doctor.

4.2 Skin Contact : Wash thoroughly with soap and water. If irritation persists, consult a doctor.

4.3 Eye Contact  : Rinse immediately with clear water for several minutes. If irritation persists, consult a doctor.

4.4 Ingestion    : Rinse mouth with water. Do not induce vomiting. Consult a doctor if symptoms occur.


5. Firefighting Measures


5.1 Suitable Extinguishing Media   :  Water spray, foam, dry powder, carbon dioxide. 

5.2 Specific Hazards               :  No specific fire hazards.

 5.3 Protective Equipment           :  Use appropriate personal protective equipment to avoid inhaling fumes.


6. Accidental Release Measures


6.1 Personal Precautions      : Wear gloves and protective eyewear. 

6.2 Environmental Precautions : Avoid releasing into sewers or waterways.

6.3 Cleanup Methods           : Collect spilled powder and place in an appropriate container for disposal. Clean the area with water and soap.


7. Handling and Storage


7.1 Handling  :  Avoid contact with eyes, skin, and clothing. Use in a well-ventilated area.

7.2 Storage   : Store in a cool, dry, and well-ventilated place, away from direct light and moisture.


8. Exposure Controls / Personal Protection


Hand Protection          : Protective gloves.

Eye Protection           : Safety glasses.

Skin Protection          : Appropriate protective clothing.

Respiratory Protection   : Dust mask in case of insufficient ventilation.


9. Physical and Chemical Properties


Physical State   : Powder 

Color            : Blue    

Odor             : Neutral 

Melting Point    : Not applicable 

Solubility       : Insoluble in water


10. Stability and Reactivity


10.1 Stability                          : Stable under normal storage and usage conditions.

10.2 Conditions to Avoid                : Moisture, excessive heat. 

10.3 Hazardous Decomposition Products   : None known.


11. Toxicological Information


11.1 Acute Toxicity  : Non-toxic. 

11.2 Irritation      : May cause eye and skin irritation.

11.3 Sensitization   : Non-sensitizing.


12. Ecological Information


Ecotoxicity                    : Not considered hazardous to the environment.

Persistence and Degradability  : Biodegradable. 

Bioaccumulation Potential      : Not applicable.


13. Disposal Considerations


Disposal Methods : Dispose of in accordance with local regulations. Do not dispose of in sewers or waterways.


14. Transport Information

14.1 Transport Classification      : Non-hazardous. 

14.2 UN Number                     : Not applicable. 

14.3 Special Precautions           : None.


15. Regulatory Information


Labeling                : Not classified as hazardous according to EC directives.

National Regulations    : Comply with local regulations.



16. Other Information

Additional Information: The information contained in this safety data sheet is based on our current knowledge. It does not constitute a guarantee of specific properties and does not establish a legally valid contractual relationship. The user is responsible for complying with all applicable regulations.

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Damas rose water in bulk


Damas rose water in bulk

What is bulk rose water?

Damas rose water in bulk is a natural product sold in large quantities for commercial use.

Businesses that require large quantities of rose water, such as skincare or culinary product manufacturers, can purchase bulk rose water to obtain a large volume and also reduce costs.

Damas rose water in bulk

Advantages of bulk rose water:

  1. Cost-effective: Bulk rose water is cheaper than bottled rose water, as businesses can purchase larger quantities at a reduced price.
  2. Superior quality: Suppliers produce bulk rose water from high-quality rose petals to create a premium product for commercial users.
  3. Versatile applications: Bulk rose water is commonly used as an ingredient in skincare products like toners, facial cleansers, and moisturizers. It is also utilized in culinary products such as desserts, confectioneries, and beverages.

How to buy bulk rose water?

To purchase bulk rose water, businesses need to seek reputable suppliers who employ proven production methods and use high-quality rose petals.

Businesses should also ensure that the bulk rose water is sold in food-grade containers and delivered under appropriate conditions.



bulk rose water


     How can I get samples? We offer free samples, but new customers will need to pay courier fees. These fees can be deducted from the official order payment. You can arrange an RPI service through FedEx, UPS, DHL, TNT, etc.

     How does your factory ensure quality? We place great importance on the quality of our products. Every worker ensures quality control from the beginning to the end of the manufacturing process using only environmentally friendly raw materials. Additionally, a dedicated quality control department is responsible for checking at each step of the process.

     Can you print my logo on the goods? Yes, we can print your logo on the goods or their packaging box. However, to protect patents, you need to provide an authorization letter. Generally, we produce goods based on customer samples or on the basis of image, logo, sizes, etc.

About BioProGreen

BioPro Green

 N°200 Lot Al Massar, Z.I Sidi Ghanem,  Route de Safi, 40 000 Marrakech , MOROCCO

MOB :+212 600 604 387 (Whatsapp / viber )
Fax:+212 524 457 961
Website :
E-mail :